May 28th. Wow looking at that date makes me feel a variety pack of emotions. On May 28th I will be boarding a plane to fly to the beautiful country of red dirt, joy and love. My destination is Gulu, Uganda. This will be my third summer traveling to Uganda and I am really enjoying this trend. Unlike my past two trips this trip is a solo trip; flying alone, laying over alone, landing alone. If I said I wasn't scared I would be lying. Of course I am a little scared, who wouldn't be? But more than scared I am excited, and ready for God to challenge me in ways I have been asking Him to; I want to live my life dependent on Him and no one or nothing else. My heart has been waiting for this trip since I left Uganda last July; I have learned a lot in the past few months and am so thankful for what God has shown me in preparation for this trip. Am I ready? No I don't think I am ready, but I also don't think I need to be, I know that where ever I am at God will use me, stretch me and show me his will.
For two months I will be interning in Uganda with an organization called Remnant Uganda and I couldn't be more excited. I not only get to work with a group of ladies I got to spend time with last summer but I will also be working along side on of my really good friends, Stefanie Bammer. To be honest I think excited is an understatement, words cannot express how I feel about this amazing adventure I am heading on. One of my goals for my future is to work for an organization abroad and this internship will really give me an idea of what that life looks like. It is not going to be all fun and games but because of the ladies and Bammer I know I wont go a day without laughing.
Where am I at now? Let me paint a quick picture about what these past couple months and next couple weeks will look like. I am thankfully in my last few weeks of school but I have so much to squeeze into those short weeks. Papers, speeches, projects and finals have been consuming me along with work, high school ministry and events. I not only have to study for five finals but I have to begin to pack, move my stuff and get some experience in screen printing before I fly out. By May 28th I will have taken all my finals, quit my job, watched and celebrated my brothers Graduation, moved all my stuff into storage and gained a lot of trust that my new roommates with find us a place to live and for me to come home to. If that doesn't make you feel stressed out then you are lucky, because I absolutely feel the weight of the stress right now. It is a lot to think about but by the time I am on that plane it will all go away, and a whole new set of worries will develop. How about a happy thought? I know that God will protect, provide and watch over me so I really don't have anything to worry about.
Stay tuned, I will do my best to post about my journey both to and in Uganda.Thank you.
Mary Sick
I love you sis. SO excited for your journey, and can't wait to see how God will challenge and grow you. You have grown into quite the little lady--so proud of you for being brave. hugs!