Lets face it, I probably won’t write often and my writing wont blow your mind, but I am going to give this a try. I don’t expect people to read this and I don’t care if they do, I see this blog as a place for me to document stories, and lessons I learn. The way I see it, I just have a new, really clean, journal that wont be tarnished by my boyish handwriting.

I am learning a lot about myself, a lot about who God is creating me to be and a lot about who God is. Things that I thought I was I am not and things that I didn't think I was, turns out I am. This is life though, change happens everyday and I am open and willing to be fully transformed by the love of Christ, even if that means being uncomfortable, being broken, and peeling off every layer of myself that covers up who God wants me to be. It doesn’t sound fun, yes I am fully aware of that, but I absolutely think that it is necessary and worth it. Why would I want to be the me I create when I have the opportunity to be the me that the creator of the world created?

My life is in a totally different place then I imagined it to be. I never would have looked to my future 22 year old self and saw the person I am today. That's the beauty of life, besides the fact that its not mine to dictate, but the fact that we change everyday. Everyday we see more clearly what God wants us to see, and what he has placed on our hearts. There is no equation to follow and there is no ideal to hold on to, simply throw your hands up and give it all up to the Lord, trust me, you will be surprised and excited by where you end up.
I don’t want my life to make sense, I want people to question why I do what I do, I don’t want to fall into a series of steps: graduate high school, go to college, find love, graduate college, get married, have babies, die. That doesn’t sound appealing to me. I want all those things yes, but do not expect me to just follow the instruction book of life some man created. I will graduate college when I graduate college. I am thankful for the time I took off, I have a much better picture of why I am studying what I am studying, and I now have hands on experience in what I may want to do. I am not planning on making a lot of money anyway so whats the rush of trying to graduate when I can do what I love (for free) while still expanding my brain. Hey, maybe one day I will make money working for an NGO, or maybe I will be a nurse, or maybe I will do something completely different; I just want to do something that has a purpose, that isn't just putting a band aid on something or just aiding a problem until eternal death.
A chapter in my life is now closed, but a new one is beginning...watch out world I am ready to take you on!
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