
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Trying to describe how it feels to be here in Gulu would not translate well. All I can say is I am blessed and I am filled with joy. My first day at Remnant was great. Seeing the ladies, oh man, was phenomenal. We started the day with tea and cake and then got to work. This organization is so amazing, I love watching Stef just be the rock star that she is and just experiencing change happening first hand. I missed the ladies, I missed the compound and it felt so good to be there again. I am really excited for this summer to get to work with these ladies, to continue learning from the organization and Stef and just be available to everything God wants me to learn. 

After work I went to GBCC and met up Tim and the RH team. Again I cannot describe how it felt seeing all my friends, Sharif and just worshiping with all of them. It was a great evening, Steve Carter, Darren Mcwatters and Andrew Shey spoke and then we finished the night with worship. We had pizza at the Acholi Inn with the team, Sharif, George Moses, Simple and Stef; so much fun! 

Alright so I apologize this blog is not amazing and I am to consumed with being here that it is hard to update. Bear with me here, I will do my best to at least let you know I am still alive.

Being I said, I cannot put anything into words., pure Joy.

Love always,
Mary Joy


  1. Photos? need some photos girl! Of your apartment, ladies, life, etc--ok we'll cut you some slack, but soon k? love you--glad you are doing well so far! hugs, jeff & jaclyn

  2. Glad you are doing well! Yes, I agree with Jack. If you don't put up photos, how can we believe that you are really in Uganda???? We need proof!!
